The reunion game was invented by Sara, specifically for one of the reunions we attended this year. Each sibling told stories from their lives, and if a story was new to anyone listening, that person put a jelly bean in the sibling's jar. Even though Colleen was not physically present, she played one of the nights by phone (Skype).
The image below shows the jelly bean jars at the end of the game. It is also posted at, from which you can see the full-sized image.
We had intended to play the game for two hours each night, but we only ended up playing two nights. Myrna had to leave early enough on the third day that she couldn't have played. She only played one night, so you can see that she would have given Arlene a good run otherwise. Of the four hours total that we played, Arlene and I were present the whole time, Myrna half of the time and Colleen one fourth of the time. So, you can see that we all had stories to tell.
As you can clearly see, Arlene won the game, and the prize: a Costco gift card shown in the big purple clothespin Sara purchased for the event.
Snow Day 3
2 hours ago
That was fun--but we should have tape recorded it. Because one day we are going to be old, I know it is hard to believe...
That does sound fun! You'll have to blog about some of the stories so that we can hear them, too!
Too bad you didn't let me know. I have a very good digital voice recorder that records MP3s. When you want to record things like that, just ask.
Should have recorded. Could have if we'd borrowed David's DVR. Would have if we'd thought of it. Should've, could've, would've...
I think it is just a fact that most of our stories will go with us into the grave. Sad in a way. But the next generation is generating their own stories at a sufficient rate. And, blogging them as they go, which will be nice for the generation after them.
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